Friday, March 22, 2013

Sneak P.E.A.K

    Hello! I just realized that my “sneak peak” page should be called “sneak peek” instead (thank you Google!).  I’m hoping that the reason I had to figure this out via interwebs was because nobody else who’s been on here knew there was a difference. Hoping. I also found out that not even my parents check out my blog, debunking my charming joke about having 0 prescribers, and that my parents were the only people who cared to check out my blog. Now it’s just a sad fact, and I’ll have to make time in my schedule to cry about that. Maybe I’ll do it the next time I go to Target to buy microwavable mac and cheese, or when I have to change a kid’s soiled chones. Perhaps I will simply decide to never correct the spelling on my “sneak peak” page just because I know for a fact, nobody cares. Then when I’m famous, I can tell some reporter “It’s a pun, get it?” and then never explain further why I used the incorrect form of “peak”. I’m just kidding. I’m never gonna be famous. Ten years from now, you can find me living in an abandoned motel with four sheep and a coffee –stained Bachelor’s degree, with the word “Peek” tattooed on my ankle. See you then!   

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